Results of the American presidential election, 1960. From George Washington's uncontested run for president to the divisive campaigns of 2016, see an overview of all the presidential elections in U.S. history. Two years after the Kennedy-Nixon debates, the man on the losing end acknowledged their importance–and his fatal misstep–in his memoir “Six Crises: “I should have remembered that ‘a picture is worth a thousand words.’”. After it, most showed him ahead, a pattern that continued through Election Day. A lot of older American Catholics with bad memories of Al Smith’s presidential campaign in 1928 felt the same way. As vice president, Nixon presided over the Senate. The U.S. presidential election of 1960 came at a decisive time in American history. The reaction to Kennedy’s appearance in the televised debates also motivated most Democratic leaders, such as the heads of the urban machines, the chieftains of organized labor and the Southern governors, to work hard for his election. The 1960 United States presidential election in Illinois took place on November 8, 1960, as part of the 1960 United States presidential election.State voters chose twenty-seven representatives, or electors, to the Electoral College, who voted for president and vice president.. Compounding that sense of a decisive outcome politically, if not legally, was that most leading Republicans privately blamed Nixon’s own mistakes, not Democratic cheating in Illinois and Texas, for his defeat. In the popular vote, Kennedy's margin of victory was among the closest ever in American history. also has pieces that will give you a glimpse of Kennedy while he was a naval officer serving aboard PT-109 during World War II, insight into how televised debates helped him win the presidency and an intimate look at the First Family on the eve of JFK's inauguration. Welcome: Alaska and Hawaii become states during this election cycle Vice-Presidential Succession: Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, replaced by Lyndon B. Johnson Nixon won Oklahoma; however one elector cast a vote for Byrd; Byrd was not on the ballot. Keep up-to-date on: © 2020 Smithsonian Magazine. Kennedy’s surprising victory helped alter that situation. 100 Years of Presidential Election Results by Bob Vetrone Jr. , Posted: November 6, 2012 The staff here at BoopStats are certainly not the political junkies that exist elsewhere at … $80 Million Dark Money Group Tied to Trump Supreme Court Advisor Leonard Leo, Last Week Tonight: The World Health Organization, ‘Stunning’ Executive Order Enables Politicized Civil Service, Burn it All Down: A Growing Number of Liberal Laywers Want More than Court Packing, Suffrage: Women's Long Battle for the Vote (Virtual Event, 10/26), The Supreme Court Is Helping Republicans Rig Elections, Online Lecture: Stolen: Five Free Boys Kidnapped Into Slavery and Their Astonishing Odyssey Home (11/2), In a Land of Cul-de-Sacs, the Street Grid Stages a Comeback, Oh No! Nixon compounded that mistake in the eyes of Eisenhower and other leading Republicans by failing to prepare properly for the debates, which left him feeling and looking weak and tired for the crucial first one. Their first significant primary was in Wisconsin in April. With little more than a single unremarkable term in the U.S. senate under his belt, the 43-year-old Kennedy lacked Nixon’s extensive foreign policy experience and had the disadvantage of being one of the first Catholics to run for president on a major party ticket. The West Virginia primary in which JFK beat H. H. Humphrey was also corrupt, by most accounts. Televised debates have become a permanent feature of the American political landscape, helping to shape the outcomes of both primary and general elections. victory in Texas by 57 votes, which earned him the sobriquet, "Landslide Lyndon." Throughout the administration of Pres. That system’s barriers to voting (poll taxes, literacy tests, intimidation and all the rest) seriously depressed voting in at least fifteen states. The public was saturated with Kennedy-branded ephemera—from buttons and plastic hats to bumper stickers—that made the little-known senator a part of the collective consciousness. Stepping out of the car, he banged his bad knee and exacerbated his earlier injury. For the results of the subsequent election, see United States presidential election of 1964. Nevertheless, Kennedy won the nomination on the first ballot, with 806 votes. In 1960, Kennedy became the youngest man (and the first Catholic) to be elected president of the United States. Following her more. The national average was approximately 63.5 percent, but that figure is misleading in one important respect. Kennedy’s victory, like Obama’s, also serves as a source of encouragement to many of those in the over 70 percent of the American population that is not white, male and Protestant. Privacy Statement Crisscrossing the country on planes, trains, automobiles, and buses, Nixon and Kennedy were speaking, shaking hands, and conferring with politicians from coast to coast for most of September, for all of October, and for the seven days of November preceding the election. What accounted for this discrepancy? The clearest sign of that continuing interest is the steady stream of new scholarly books on that subject. Reacting to the vice president’s on-air appearance, Chicago mayor Richard J. Daley reportedly said, “My God, they’ve embalmed him before he even died.” The following day, the Chicago Daily News ran the headline “Was Nixon Sabotaged by TV Makeup Artists?” The vice president cleaned up his act for the next three debates, but the damage had been done. Kennedy said that the United States was falling behind the Soviet Union in the race for world supremacy and that the United States must “do better.” He pointed to the regime of Fidel Castro in Cuba—“just ten minutes by jet from the United States.” Kennedy also stressed the need for programs to deal with unemployment in chronically depressed areas and for more rapid U.S. economic growth. John Kennedy’s selection of Lyndon Johnson as Vice President, his convincing rebuttals to attacks on his religion, inexperience and health, and Republican errors all had a substantial bearing on the outcome.. Scenes from the 1960 Democratic Party primary elections, which U.S. Sen. John F. Kennedy used to prove himself to the public and to party leaders. Those at the top of the nation’s political system understood that hard fact. On the Republican side there was little doubt that their nominee would be Nixon. Even many of Kennedy’s liberal supporters firmly believed that, such as United Auto Workers union chief Walter Reuther, who had argued passionately during the 1960 primaries that no Catholic could be elected because anti-Catholic prejudice among Baptist and Methodist Democrats was too strong. A third reason for the continuing scholarly interest in the presidential election of 1960, closely related to the TV and Catholicism factors, was that the outcome was an upset. There had never been a true presidential debate prior to 1960, but the two more, Richard Nixon (1913-94), the 37th U.S. president, is best remembered as the only president ever to resign from office. The campaign was memorable for an unprecedented series of four televised debates between the two candidates. November 8, 2010 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the presidential election of 1960, which still very much interests those who care about disputed elections and how best to resolve them. On Election Day in 1960, the Jim Crow system still existed in the South and the Border States. The novelty of this in 1960 produced very high rates of viewership, thereby making the election memorable and altering its outcome. Richard Nixon’s decision to accept John Kennedy’s proposal for televised presidential debates meant that for the first time both major-party candidates appeared for a sustained period together on TV once it had become the nation’s dominant medium of mass communication. Also, an article some years back in "The Journal of American Studies" analyzed the Cook County results, concluding that the fraud was on behalf of the State's Attorney candidate and that, while there was ome slopover for JFK, it was not enough to make the difference. Throughout the primaries and the fall campaign, Kennedy’s religion was a dominant issue. The United States presidential election of 1960 marked the end of Dwight D. Eisenhower's two terms as President. For Nixon to have mounted an effective legal challenge afterward, the two major parties in Illinois, Texas and nationally would have had to be in better balance, and his own leading supporters would have had to believe that Nixon had run the better campaign and so been robbed. Thus, as the 1960s opened, the prevailing view among the experts was that Republicans would retain the White House and the country probably would not change very much. Kennedy ultimately was credited with the electoral votes of both, which gave him victory in the Electoral College tally. The impact of televised debates also showed immediately on the campaign trail. The 1960 presidential election was the first in which television can fairly be said to have been central to the result. Prior to the first debate, the mood among onlookers at most Kennedy rallies had been friendly but no more. Even more noticeable was the change in energy. The campaign began in earnest in January 1960, when Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts and Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota announced their candidacies for the Democratic nomination. Give a Gift. Eisenhower's Vice President, Richard Nixon, who had transformed his office into a national political base, was the Republican candidate, whereas the Democrats nominated Massachusetts Senator John F. Kennedy. In the other thirty-five, however, turnout was typically well above the national average. When asked after the election how he had managed to defeat Nixon, Kennedy replied crisply “television.”. The drama behind President Kennedy’s 1960 election win November 7, 2017 by Scott Bomboy It was 56 years ago today that John F. Kennedy was elected President of the United States in a bitter contest against the incumbent Vice President, Richard Nixon. Press, 2006); and co-author (with Joseph Mitchell) of New City upon A Hill: A History of Columbia, Maryland (History Press, 2007). Eisenhower had urged Nixon not to debate Kennedy, predicting correctly that such extensive television exposure would ultimately help the lesser known-Democrat. (There followed three wrong answers such as 'the check is in the mail'). Not much. victory in Texas by 57 votes, which earned him the sobriquet, "Landslide Lyndon." The closeness of the election combined with the record turnout to put the maximum possible strain on the nation’s electoral apparatus, and ultimately led to problems in election administration. 17th Annual Photo Contest Finalists Announced. Which future U.S. president’s correspondence helped establish the consensus for calling a constitutional convention? The 1960 presidential race was one of the closest elections in U.S. history, but 50 years ago today, John F. Kennedy won the White House. In the other thirty-five, however, turnout was typically well above the national average. By Election Day Eisenhower had become certain of a Nixon loss and deeply angry with him for the way he had run his campaign.

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