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"identifier": "5 Gallon", [ Tuff Surface™ is easily applied with airless and conventional texture spray equipment, delivering an appealing knockdown, splatter or orange peel texture. I'm proud to introduce Tuff Textures Vol. "comparable": true, The powder formulation mixes with water for easy application. "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", Un problème est survenu lors de l'ajout de cet article au panier. { "sequence": "30.00000", "displayable": true, "isTintable": "True", "unitID": "", }, "defaultSKU": "true", }, "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_": "White", "displayable": true, "Base_White": 69, Après avoir consulté un produit, regardez ici pour revenir simplement sur les pages qui vous intéressent. "catentry_id": "17568", Notre garantie couvre à la fois le respect des délais de livraison et l'état de vos articles. "unitID": "", Il analyse également les commentaires pour vérifier leur fiabilité. Your session is about to timeout due to inactivity. Most tuff formations include a range of fragment sizes and varieties. "partNumber": "651038192", "searchable": false, }], "unitOfMeasure": "", { "storeDisplay": false, "languageCode": "fr_CA" Reviews sorted by {{ctrl.selected_sortOrder.label}}, Reviewed by {{ ctrl.reviewStats.TotalReviewCount }} customers, Store number must be either four digits or alphanumeric (ex: 1234 or A123). "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", Wall and Ceiling Texture is an unaggregated texture coating applied by brush, roller or spray. "usage": "Defining", "uniqueID": "7000000000000364116" Excellent “hang” properties keep Tuff Surface clinging to the wall until it is knocked down to the desired texture. "unitID": "", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" "value": "White", "unitOfMeasure": "", "values": [{ "values": [{ Veuillez vous assurer que vous avez saisi une question valable. Although we've taken local and national VOC (volatile organic compound) regulations into consideration, such as the Ozone Transport Commission Specifications (OTC), because these regulations vary greatly around the U.S. and are subject to change, we suggest verifying that product selections meet the requirements of the area in which they are to be used. "languageCode": "es_MX" "ItemImage": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651042186_Tuff_Surface_Int_Acrylic_Prem_Texture_Eg-Shel_White_5G", The finish offers quality performance, especially over uneven or damaged surfaces, and has antimicrobial agents which inhibit mildew growth on the surface of the paint film. "Base_White": 66, Veuillez réessayer. Ruff N Tuff is a super-premium Acrylic Emulsion based textured finish with guaranteed high performance formulated to provide multi-directional textures (Creation of Designer Texture and Designs) with more than 6000 exuberant colours on any exterior & interior cementitious surface. "displayable": true, , }, "facetable": true, "Sheen_Flat": 72, }, "isBuyable": "true", "isDiscontinued": "false", }, We accept all major credit cards from Singapore. } Here’s How to Raise Your Game, Art of the Sale: Introduction and the First Steps, Egan Painting Achieves Dramatic Results at 14,000 Square Foot Distillery, 4 Reasons to Offer Color Consultation Services to Your Painting Customer, Should I Spray or Should I Roll? }, "sequence": "20.00000", "languageCode": "fr" ] "searchable": true, "name": "Base", "ATT_sheen": "Flat" { "sequence": "10.00000", Data Sheets are available in multiple languages. "unitOfMeasure": "", BTW, I got better than the stated coverage for TC using this roller with 2 coats (about 10% more total coverage). } "ItemImage467": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/650848732-Tuff-Surface-Premium-Texture-Finish-Eg-Shel-White-5-Gallon", "usage": "Defining", { I used a flat corner roller for some corners but it lacks the same texture as the roller can make happen. It can vary both in texture and in chemical and mineralogical composition because of variations in the conditions of their formation and the composition of the ejected material. "isDiscontinued": "false", The next generation Tuff Surface™ Premium Texture Finish from Sherwin-Williams delivers an even more appealing knockdown, splatter or orange peel texture finish to hide imperfections, helping to create inviting spaces and save professionals time. "17568": "PCP_27992" "unitID": "", "defaultDisplayFlag": "true", "AttributeValues": { "487014": "651038192", "unitID": "", "identifier": "ATT_sheen", Couvert par la garantie Amazon Marketplace, Traduire tous les commentaires en français, Afficher ou modifier votre historique de navigation, Recyclage (y compris les équipements électriques et électroniques), Annonces basées sur vos centres d’intérêt. "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" "sequence": "10.00000", "value": "White", "ItemImage467": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651038192_Tuff_Surface_Int_Acrylic_Prem_Texture_Flat_White_5G", } Small arch Khachkar pattern on volcanic tuff, texture, traditional Armenian The texture of the stones with a red tuff stone natural tuff, orange marble, polished, background stock texture Texture Tuff stone wall brown gray Tuff texture for background Tuff stone block wall long texture.

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