0000006449 00000 n It is part of the collective tribal knowledge of Ngati Tuwharetoa, and cements the people to their mountains. Putauaki tried to persuade Whatiura to return to Ruawahia. 0000117938 00000 n Contact Tuariki Marae on Messenger. 0000008817 00000 n 0000013479 00000 n . 0000118050 00000 n Whatiura made a noise and his father realised that his son was behind. Time passed and the three lived in happiness. Kia Ora! Ko Putauaki te maunga Ko Rangitaiki te awa Ko Mataatua te waka Ko Nga Maihi te Hapu Ko Tu-te-ao te Marae. 0000071225 00000 n Oct 23, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Errol Hunt. 0000006685 00000 n 0000070841 00000 n Community See All. Opened in Whakatane in 1875, it was dismantled by the Government two years later and shipped to Sydney where it was erected inside out. Irakewa married Wekanui from Te Hapuoneone in Whakatane taking her back to Hawaiki on leaving Aotearoa. 0000118395 00000 n Ko Putauaki te maunga Ko Rangitaiki te awa Ko Ngati Awa, Ngati Rangitihi, Te Rarawa oku iwi Born and raised in Whakatane Grandson of Harry Stowell (Te Rarawa) and Ani Stowell (nee Savage – Ngāti Rangitihi) Eldest son of Darcy Stowell and Ngahuia Rowsan (Stowell – Ngatiawa) • Served 13 years in the Military • 15 Years in the Kiwifruit/Fresh produce Industry. Ko Moengahau o Tamatekapua te Maunga Ko Tikapa Moana o Hauraki Ko Tainui te waka Ko Te Ngako-ringa-kino te Rangatira Ko Hikairo te tangata Ko Motuhaua te Pa Ko Hikairo,Pukenga oku Hapu Ka rere toku awa a Waiwhango ki toku Papa Kainga a Koputauaki Kei Koputauaki au e noho ana Ko Hamuera Hikairo toku ingoa E Nga Mihi ki a Koutou Katoa! . 0000013767 00000 n Unfortunately, Whatiura did not return. 0000004377 00000 n 0000011799 00000 n 0000048932 00000 n The actual story of The House That Came Home is so incredible (and little known) that it almost deserves its own separate award. 0000082916 00000 n Ko Putauaki te maunga. 0000029769 00000 n 489 people follow this. 4!q���f�w`v�]�)��N@��ء���١B�������f�F;ƃ8��#�0p�G�ϯ. 0000063046 00000 n 0000039464 00000 n 0000005170 00000 n trailer <<074B5DB0B08449E4B1F348C858BCA75D>]/Prev 851148>> startxref 0 %%EOF 116 0 obj <>stream Long ago when the world was young, two mountains grew up near the Kawerau area. Irakewa married Kiwa from that union came Taneatua. See More. 0000002216 00000 n Bus TerminalPlunket StreetKawerau 3169New Zealand, Get behind Eastern Bay of Plenty businesses and DISCOVER OUR LOCAl, Boyce Park, Stoneham Park and Waterhouse St. Reserve, Headline Act for Kawerau Christmas in the Park. Ruawahia noticed that Putauaki had left her side. 0000053609 00000 n Is one but you will affiliate to the marae you come from. Other mountains surrounded the rohe, some distant, some further away. . 0000029630 00000 n Discover (and save!) 0000002751 00000 n Whakaari sends smoke signals, calling Putauaki to join her. 0000108207 00000 n Always Open. 0000078142 00000 n 0000014370 00000 n 0000035397 00000 n 0000013306 00000 n Ko Rangitaiki te awa. She constantly complained and her moods changed. Ko Tuariki te marae. 0000008870 00000 n 0000108465 00000 n He manakohanga nau, e Ihowa, i u ai i a koe te tu o toku maunga; i huna e koe tou mata a raru iho ahau English LORD, by thy favour thou hast made my mountain … Pūtauaki (Mt Edgecumbe) is sacred to the section of Ngāti Awa who are based around the eastern Bay of Plenty area. 0000251469 00000 n 0000083084 00000 n 0000049009 00000 n 0000006562 00000 n That is the reason why the lake fills and flows down the Tarawera valley. 0000013592 00000 n 0000039232 00000 n Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Finalist in the 2019 W.H. Ruawahia never recovered. Ko Putauaki te maunga Ko Rangitaiki te awa Ko Ngati Awa, Ngati Rangitihi, Te Rarawa oku iwi Born and raised in Whakatane Grandson of Harry Stowell (Te Rarawa) and Ani Stowell (nee Savage – Ngāti Rangitihi) Eldest son of Darcy Stowell and Ngahuia Rowsan (Stowell – Ngatiawa) • Served 13 years in the Military • 15 Years in the Kiwifruit/Fresh produce Industry. Putauaki and Ruawahia had a … 0000082606 00000 n 0000058366 00000 n 0000007019 00000 n 0000117860 00000 n Ruawahia realised that Putauaki was interested in Whakaari and became angry. 0000071343 00000 n WHAKAMOMORI WHERE TO NOW? 'Time and Memory', Kirsty Gover, Arena magazine, Issue 163, … 0000035319 00000 n 0000008507 00000 n 0000108761 00000 n 0000010332 00000 n Long ago when the world was young, two mountains grew up near the Kawerau area. 0000053686 00000 n 0000004945 00000 n 0000007609 00000 n Ngati Awa me ona karangarangatanga : ko Putauaki te maunga, Ko Ngati Awa te iwi = Ngati Awa and its confederation of tribes : Putauaki is the mountain, Ngati Awa the tribe : a report prepared in support of Claim WAI - 46 to the Waitangi Tribunal, Wellington Open All Close All 0000058289 00000 n He moved slowly, so Ruawahia would not wake. 0000039587 00000 n 'The Rest is History: Parihaka', Rachel Buchanan, RNZ, Lately, 5 November 2020. 0000067638 00000 n Ko Putauaki te maunga, Ko Mataatua te waka, Ko Ngati Awa Te Iwi, Tihei Mauri Ora. 21 0 obj <> endobj xref 0000029925 00000 n Oliver Prize (Best Book) on New Zealand’s history! 0000005476 00000 n . Ko Matawhaura me Putauaki te maunga, Ko Kaituna me Rangitaiki te awa, Ko Te Arawa me Mataatua te waka . 0000110826 00000 n The union between Putauaki and Whakaari was never to be. Ruawahia roared, shook and burst into tears. Ko Ngati Awa te iwi. 0000120221 00000 n Ko Taranaki Te Maunga Notes About the author About BWB Texts. Page Transparency See More. 0000082165 00000 n One night as Ruawahia slept, Putauaki set off for the coast. 0000062969 00000 n WHY? 0000110748 00000 n Price Range $ Hours . 0000007871 00000 n 0000039387 00000 n 0000070980 00000 n 0000475817 00000 n Unbeknown to Putauaki, Whatiura was following. c�; �B1�4�������c�XXs�2�6�1��ax��������Q������cC(��=�&Y��#��98,�2630`0f�9h���C���3|x0+0�`H`�i�2���T��q�Y 0000029847 00000 n The two fell in love and spent their days together in happiness. Ko Rangitaiki te awa. Slowly however, the two lovers became more distant. 0000110709 00000 n 0000012881 00000 n 0000005587 00000 n 0000009563 00000 n Media. your own Pins on Pinterest Then to Melbourne and London where it is erected, … Putauaki noticed that Ruawahia was losing interest in him. 0000009675 00000 n 0000071101 00000 n 0000011098 00000 n He uri ahau nō Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Whakaue me Ngāti Awa. Kia ora Whanau and friends, I will keep more in touch … About See All. 0000013419 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� 0000034831 00000 n 0000082529 00000 n One was Putauaki, the other was Ruawahi who found Putauaki attractive and often sighed. Ko Putauaki te maunga. 0000028946 00000 n From that marriage came. 0000034909 00000 n Organization. Geneaology. Opened in Whakatane in 1875, it was dismantled by the Government two years later and shipped to Sydney where it was erected inside out. Ko Putauaki te maunga, Ko Mataatua te waka, Ko Ngati Awa Te Iwi, Tihei Mauri Ora The actual story of The House That Came Home is so incredible (and little known) that it almost deserves its own separate award. 0000071490 00000 n The two fell in love and spent their days together in happiness. This tribal legend is often told to school children in the Ngati Tuwharetoa area. 0000073560 00000 n Putauaki was annoyed and decided to leave. 0000044253 00000 n 0000082476 00000 n Identity Growth On-going process Tikanga Gift of life Kaitiakitanga Responsibility "I orea te tuatara ka patu ki waho" PRESENT IDEAS & KNOWLEDGE Journey Hopes Fears Dreams Ko Putauaki te maunga Colonization INSTITUTION To commit suicide. 21 96 Putauaki realising that Whakaari was interested in him wondered how he could make the journey to the sea. 'Invasion of Parihaka 'not a distant history',' Rachel Buchanan, RNZ, Checkpoint, 5 November 2020. 0000070868 00000 n Ko Mataatua te waka. 0000002640 00000 n h�b``d`�g`g`]�bÁ P���cÑ� �0�;�66�OP��Ji�c)���3p�������:Q;��t��d��ݮ7wQ��?�t���fKK��� 0' 0000003935 00000 n In those times, it was possible for mountains to move, providing the move was done during the night. One was Putauaki, the other was Ruawahi who found Putauaki attractive and often sighed. 0000007284 00000 n 0000029299 00000 n 0000039310 00000 n 0000044330 00000 n 31 check-ins. 0000005961 00000 n 0000039664 00000 n Meanwhile, Whakaari showed an interest in Putauaki and would often gaze in his direction. 0000008984 00000 n 0000035056 00000 n 0000035203 00000 n Putauaki and Ruawahia had a son called Whatiura and this made their union complete. 0000256506 00000 n Ko Kokohinau te marae. 0000012367 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000082969 00000 n www.tuariki.com. 479 people like this. Tērā ko Tongariro maunga e tū rangatira ana ki te mātāpuna awa o Te Ika-a-Māui, he maunga puia, he maunga hukarere, he maunga tipua ē!Ko Tongariro maunga te puna wai o te Ika a Māui, te romi o ngā awa e rere ana ki ngā tōpito e whā o te motu, arā ko Waikato, ko Whanganui, ko Rangitikei.Ka tū a Tongariro ki te te mātāpuna o ngā awa nunui o Te Ika-a-Māui, i te 39.1S, 175.7E. 0000082394 00000 n At daybreak, Putauaki realised he was in Kawerau. Ruawahia would gaze at Tongariro. 0000075630 00000 n The tears filled the hole left by Putauaki, and today it is called Lake Tarawera. . Purpose of a Page an interest in him wondered how he could make the journey to the section Ngāti. Understand the purpose of a Page was interested in Whakaari and became angry, Ngāti Whakaue me Ngāti who. The Kawerau area one but you will affiliate to the Marae you come from realised that was! Putauaki attractive and often sighed discovered by Errol Hunt to join her, -... 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