Ignacio’s folks were a Scandinavian Lutheran evangelist and a Mexican minister, who both kicked the bucket when Ignacio was a child. It’s for fun.” — Ignacio. He talks about a lot of things he does that to many of us wouldn't seem ideal, but he ends by saying, "My life is good! To Nacho's dismay, despite accomplishing this, he sees no improvement in his performance. Ignacio ‘Nacho Libre’: I don’t want to get paid to lose, I want to win.”, “Ignacio ‘Nacho Libre’: eagle powers come to me please hottest first ladies of the united states. No. After his identity is revealed, Ignacio is forced to leave the orphanage that he calls home. A nice piledrive to the face; or a punch to the face; but you cannot do it because it is in the Bible not to wrestle your neighbor. The film Nacho Libre was discharged on June 16, 2006, by Paramount Pictures. Today is especially delicious," Nacho tries to reassure him. I used to really like Ramses. Sergio Gutiérrez Benítez, a Mexican Catholic priest who masqueraded as a lucha libre wrestler named Fray Tormenta in order to keep an orphanage in operation. Esqueleto: We never win because you are fat!”, “Sister Encarnación: Where are we going, Ignacio? It's a strange line and he clearly doesn't know where he's going with it. I think me and my friend are ready to go pro. NACHOOOOOOOOOO! I get to wake up every morning, at 5AM, and make some soup! But it turns out, he’s a real douche, Sister Encarnación: Well, my favorite color is light tan. See what it tastes like? Esqueleto: We never win because you are fat!”. Surprise! This movie might be a touch sacrilegious. They may have the appearance of riches. Ignacio ‘Nacho Libre’: [singing] I ate some bugs, I ate some grass, I used my hands, to wipe my tears. "Hey! Sister Encarnación: Where are we going, Ignacio? A nice pile-drive to the face; or a punch to the face; but you cannot do it because it is in the Bible not to wrestle your neighbor. Maybe it’s time for me to get a better duty! Encarnacion reluctantly agrees. (Tightens butt). Nacho Libre Movie. Hence, these popular Nacho Libre quotes should be read with caution and proper understanding of the context. "Do you not realize that I have been having diarrhea since Easters!?". But these are my recreation clothes. I know the wrestlers get all the fancy ladies, and the clothes, and the free creams and lotions. Señor Ramón: Do you not realize I have had diarrhea since Easters?”, “Nacho: It sucks to be me right now! ”, “Nacho: I’m not listening to you! Exhaustion and defeat makes jerks of us all, turning brother against brother. Nacho: Get that corn outta my face!”, “Nacho: They think I do not know a buttload of crap about the Gospel, but I do!”, “Nacho: I’m a little concerned right now. It’s for fun.”, “I know it is fun to wrestle. I love it… I get to lay in a bed alone all of my life. Nacho: Get that corn outta my face!”, “Nacho: You can take the stallion, I’ll take the pony. Updated September 1st, 2020 by George Chrysosomou: Nacho Libre continues to be a cult classic, and with so many amazing and hilarious quotes to enjoy, it made sense to revisit this list and feature a few more brilliant moments. Over the line, man. May he rest in peace. One evening he awkwardly approaches her in her room and asks if he can come in. !”, “Ignacio ‘Nacho Libre’: My father was a deacon in Mexico, and my mother a Lutheran missionary from Scandinavia. Cooking duty. Chancho: So you’ve never wrestled? To kiss your mouth, I’d break my vow. Ignacio ‘Nacho Libre’: But it turns out, he’s a real douche. Most of the priests in the monastery seem to be pretty decent fellows. Okay? No. Listen, I know that the wrestlers get all the fancy ladies, the clothes, the free creams and lotions, but my life is good: reeeaally good. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Maybe it’s time for me to get a better duty!”, “Nacho: It is true. Nacho: I thought you hated all the orphans in the whole world, Nacho: How come you think? (jumps and hisses). ” Also check- Skyrim guard quotes / An inspector calls quotes Nacho libre quotes Nacho: I thought you hated all the orphans in… “Do you remember that one time, when everyone was shouting my name, and I used my strength to rip my blouse?” – Ignacio, “Yea, and then I saw them knock you unconscious, alright?” — Esqueleto. She hails from the Oaxaca Parish Convent of the Immaculate Hearts. Ignacio ‘Nacho Libre’: “He’s a real douche!”. Monk: Did you not tell them that they were the Lord’s chips? That’s fantastic! The give me no nutrients! He additionally battles over his affections for Sister Encarnación, a cloister adherent who instructs at the halfway house. I know the wrestlers get all the fancy ladies, and the clothes, and the free creams and lotions. They give me no nutrients, I don’t Believe in God, I believe in science. I get to lay in a bed by myself, all of my life. Sergio Gutiérrez Benítez, a Mexican Catholic priest who masqueraded as a lucha libre wrestler named Fray Tormenta in order to keep an orphanage in operation. A LIE! The give me no nutrients! Nacho: Thank you… (Turns toward Sister Encarnación) I mean, yes! Where are the chips? Nacho: There is no place for me in this world. ”, “Nacho: I know it is fun to wrestle. Ignacio ‘Nacho Libre’: But it turns out, he’s a real douche.”, “Ignacio ‘Nacho Libre’: [singing] I ate some bugs, I ate some grass, I used my hands, to wipe my tears. It’s for fun. Underneath the robe you find a man. It’s the best! But my life is good! Encarnacion! Nacho tries to describe his plight with the lack of good ingredients for cooking and that his chips were stolen by a thief. Quotes will be submitted for approval by the RT staff. When he sneaks into a party to get a chance to meet Ramses, the wrestler completely disregards Nacho. ”, “Esqueleto: Surpise. I need professional help. I know it is fun to wrestle. You only believe in Science. Hiking, playing volleyball… There are so many Nacho Libre quotes that can help you when you are tired of being in the same old rut, and all you need is a little push, a little inspiration, a smile on the face, change of mood, bring you out of the banality of life, make you laugh a little, or may even make you cry a bit, and these Nacho Libre quotes exists just do that.
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