Nire kasuan arina da ta ondo nago baina oso oso kutsakorra eta super arriskutsua ahulago dagoen jendearentzako. 'Nora'-n paper txiki batean zu ikusteko aukera ere izan dugu. The “Money Heist” actress is among the growing number of celebrities who have tested positive for COVID-19 around the world, including Hollywood, sports and local stars. Parlade asks: Is Mayor Isko welcoming ‘terrorist’ CPP-NPA in Manila? Zuzendari gazteak indar-tsu datoz; eta hori da behar duguna, baina proiektuak aurrera ateratzeko baita aurrekontuak ere. Itziar Ituño non dago erosoago, euskal zinemagile gazteen proiektuetan edo beste dimentsio bat hartu duten 'La casa de papel' bezalako ekoizpenetan? Proposamena jaso nuenean dokumentatzen hasi nintzen, dokumentalak ikusten, artikuluak irakurtzen; gaian murgiltzen, azken batean. El Gobierno Vasco no contempla abrir nuevos vertederos en cuatro años, Hallado el varón de 73 años desaparecido al ir a buscar setas en Oiartzun, Castilla y León impone el toque de queda y Madrid limita la actividad nocturna, Donostia trata de seguir adelante con su programa cultural para los próximos días, Adegi, ELA, LAB y CCOO firman el convenio del Metal, Biden aventaja en 7,9 puntos a Trump pero 181 de los 538 delegados siguen en el aire, Las hamburguesas y las salchichas vegetales ganan el pulso en la Eurocámara. © 2019 Philippine Entertainment Portal Inc. All Rights Reserved. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, Nothing wrong with anti-NPA billboards, posters –DILG, Two-way Chris Newsome taking more scoring load with his offense 'flowing', Recto urges Palace to name a 'vaccine czar', Ian Veneracion, nagustuhan ang lock-in taping system ngayon sa paggawa ng TV show, What time do the clocks go back tonight? Meu caso é leve e estou bem, mas é muito muito contagioso e super perigoso para pessoas que são mais fracas. The actress said she had been experiencing fever and dry cough since Friday, March 13. She also reminded everyone not to take the disease lightly. También, Daniel Dae Kim, el actor que interpretó a Jin-Soo Kwon en Lost, confirmó que dio positivo en COVID-19. Hollywood star Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson, Italian actor Luca Franzese, and Thai heartthrob Matthew Deane. Did Julia's family visit Gerald's resort in Zambales? She's one of many celebrities, along with Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, and … It is coronavirus,” she said as translated in English. In the Philippines, Love Thy Woman actor Christopher de Leon and Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri have tested positive for COVID-19. La república ganaría en un referéndum con el 40,9% de apoyos, según un sondeo. Film honetako pertsonaia guztiak oso tristeak dira. Ezin naiz kexatu, zuzeneko arteetan, esate baterako, oso gaizki baitaude. –Nora ez dut oraindik ikusteko aukera izan, eta desiratzen nago. ", She added, "Now I have 15 days in quarantine and then it will be seen [emojis] Take care of yourself [emojis].". 'Hil Kanpaiak' filmean pertsonaia nagusietako bat antzeztu duzu, Carmen. Spanish actress Itziar Ituño, who is popular for her role in the series “Money Heist,” confirmed that she tested positive for the novel coronavirus or COVID-19. De quedarse en casa y proteger a los demás. To enable Verizon Media and our partners to process your personal data select 'I agree', or select 'Manage settings' for more information and to manage your choices. Oraindik egiteko asko daukagu aurretik. Parlade tells Hontiveros: I have no interest in becoming AFP chief, Sandigan ‘checkmates’ Pichay over questionable LWUA chess tourney, General scored over threats vs young actress. The Spanish actress advised the public to take the pandemic seriously as many people have already died and lots of lives are at stake. Hau ez da tontakeria, izan konsziente, ez hartu arinkeriaz, hildakoak dauz eta bizi asko jokoan eta ondiño ez dakigu noraiño helduko dan kontua, beraz, arduratsuak izateko txertoa ipinteko garaia da danon hobebeharrez. Euskaraz eroso sentitzen naiz, etxean. Spanish actress Itziar Ituño, who is popular for her role in the series “Money Heist,” confirmed that she tested positive for the novel coronavirus or COVID-19. –Istorio iluna da, ilunetan ilunena, esango nuke nik; oso modu bitxian kontatzen dena. Isso não é bobagem, esteja ciente, não leve a sério, há mortos, muitas vidas em jogo e ainda não sabemos até que ponto isso vai dar, então chegou a hora de ser vacinado pela responsabilidade pelo bem comum . A number of celebrities around the world have been infected by COVID-19. –Gero eta hobeto, proposamen gero eta ausartagoak egiten dituzte, oso potenteak. Microsoft may earn an Affiliate Commission if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. "Interesgarria da euskal dantza beste zentzu batean hartzea; emozioetan konbertituz". Pena, ziurrenik, azken egunean etorriko da. By continuing, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. She stated that she has been experiencing symptoms of the disease since March 13 so she decided to undergo a test to find out the truth. "This is not nonsense, be aware, do not take it lightly, there are dead, many lives at stake and we still do not know how far this will go. Ez oficial, desde el viernes por la tarde tengo los síntomas (fiebre y tos seca) y hoy nos ha llegado la confirmación del test epidemiológico. Hau ez da tontakeria, izan konsziente, ez hartu arinkeriaz, hildakoak dauz eta bizi asko jokoan eta ondiño ez dakigu noraiño helduko dan kontua, beraz, arduratsuak izateko txertoa ipinteko garaia da danon hobebeharrez. Penatuta? From staying home and protecting others. Elkartasun garaia da! Nire ustez, istorioak ondo bukatu behar dira, ondo borobilduta. Koronabirusa da. Nik egiten dudan pertsonaia, Carmen, oso potentea da. Spanish actress Itziar Ituño, who plays inspector Raquel Murillo in the hit Netflix series “Money Heist” (Spanish title: La Casa de Papel), has tested positive for COVID-19. In a previous article by KAMI, prayers poured in for Filipino actor Christopher de Leon as he also tested positive for COVOD-19. Ez oficial, desde sexta-feira à tarde tenho sintomas (febre e tosse seca) e hoje recebemos confirmação do teste epidemiológico. Itziar Ituño; Lindi më : 18 qershor 1974: Vendlindja: Basauri, Shteti Baskia, Spanjë: Kombësia: Spanjolle: Profesioni: Aktore: Vitet aktiv: 1997-akoma: Itziar Ituño Martínez (lindur më 18 qershor 1974) është një aktore spanjolle. –Baditut bai, baina ea zer gertatzen den COVID-19aren kontu honekin. Jakinda gainera, ETBrako euskaraz egindako proiektu bat zela, nola edo hala egin behar nuela pentsatu nuen. Ofiziala da, bariku arratsaldetik sintomekaz nabil (sukarra ta eztul lehorra) eta gaur iritsi jaku azterneta epidemiologikoaren konfirmaziñoa. La actriz Itziar Ituño, durante el videoclip de 'Hamaika Gara'. Barkuan sartu nintzen eta hor ibili gara, arraunean gogor. These include Hollywood star Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson, Avengers actor Idris Elba, Game of Thrones actor Kristofer Hivju, Quantum of Solace star Olga Kurylenko, Italian actor Luca Franzese, and Thai heartthrob Matthew Deane. Azken urteetan ez da euskarazko fikzio gehiegirik ekoiztu. El pasado 18 de marzo, Itziar Ituño compartió con sus fans un mensaje que les dejó muy preocupados. Elkartasun garaia da! Ituño plays Inspector Raquel Murillo on the hit Spanish show, which premieres its fourth season in April. "Bizitzak noizean behin gauza handiak ere ekarri egiten ditu, eta horiek kudeatzen ere jakin behar da, abentura itzela baita", "Hil kanpaiak' pelikulako pertsonaiek azaletik oso hotzak dirudite, baina barruan izugarrizko drama bizi dute". ‘Fascist pig’: Bituin Escalante rebukes Parlade for ‘warning’ on Liza, Catriona, Soberano not afraid of Parlade’s ‘unsolicited advice,’ says lawyer, Aupa danoi!! What you need to know about Coronavirus. Gustagarria da horrelako proiektu oso ezagun baten parte izatea, eta, aldi berean, zure herriko jendeak euskal filmetarako zugan pentsatzea. Spanish actress Itziar Ituño, best known for playing the role of Inspector Raquel Murillo in Netflix's Money Heist, has tested positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). By continued use, you agree to our privacy policy and accept our use of such cookies. –Oso tristeak dira bai, oso hotzak, kanpotik behintzat. A post shared by Itziar Ituño (OFIZIAL) (@itziarituno) on Oct 14, 2020 at 10:33pm PDT Lisboa, de La casa de papel, cautivó con un biker short y botas rústicas en la montaña
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