Learn moreDeliver the right messages at the right time to boost sales. Businesses need to make the change and update the technology in their business. We started using the Promotions feature and realized something really awesome was happening — people who were coming in, they weren’t our normal customers! Learn moreCollect payments and build a customer database automatically. I would definitely recommend Fivestars and Fivestars Pay! Learn moreGet discovered by 50 million shoppers in our network. It’s phenomenal. We work directly with your point of sale (POS) system to collect payments and sign up every customer to your database. Accept credit card payments and build a database of your customers. Fivestars Knowledge Customer Secure Login Page. Learn moreSend targeted one-off offers to increase your store's foot traffic. Fivestars is an all-in-one payments and marketing platform that combines easy-to-use technology, customizable rewards and promotions, and automation. Fivestars is an all-in-one small business marketing and merchant services program combining payments, acquisition, retention, customer loyalty, and automation. Fivestars dashboard for small businesses. Create trackable promotions, boost store traffic by 70%, and watch your business grow! We’re trusted by more than 14,000 local businesses to automatically bring in more customers and keep them coming back, Owner, Hideout Indoor Playground in Thousand Oaks, CA. It integrates with merchant POS systems to give consumers a single card to earn store-specific rewards across thousands of businesses. The ONLY thing we did differently was use Fivestars Promotions. Upgrade your punch card to a digital, flexible rewards program that delights your customers. Track visit and spend history while engaging customers through unique marketing outreach. We brought in $7,500 last Black Friday and then brought in $13,000 this Black Friday. Fivestars is the most widely used customer loyalty network for small and medium businesses in North America. Learn moreDelight customers with rewards that keep your business top of mind. Then send the right rewards to the right customer at the right time. Login to your Fivestars Knowledge Customer Account. Send the right offer to the right customer at the right time and watch your revenue skyrocket.

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