l'ingestion d'un aliment ou d'un liquide; aliments mis dans une poche; voix gargouillante après la consommation d'un aliment solide ou liquide; aliments solides ou liquides dans le nez; antécédents répétitifs d'infections pulmonaires ou de pneumonie; perte de poids inexpliquée, Mr. Paul Mercier (Blainville-Deux-Montagnes): Mr. Speaker, with clause. Habile montage d'un compositeur», «tout est calculé et faux», «simplicité débilitante» furent quelques-unes des épithètes dont fut qualifiée la symphonie. 3. A wide, drooling toothless grin split his flat face, and two yellow-red reptilian eyes stared covetously from his immense head. Ex : "Il est parti." La première, établie à L'Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants, est destinée aux enfants qui doivent subir une intervention et qui risquent d'aspirer leur salive en raison de leur, état de santé complexe; la deuxième, au Queen Elizabeth Health Centre, dessert les adultes qui, Contact your doctor or seek immediate medical help if. Le chien s'est mis à baver quand il a aperçu l'os. Belchy's ogle had been of the straightforward, loose-lipped, He read it slowly, with a movement of his lips and a, It doesn't sound natural, but you certainly seem to know what you're, The shut-off reportedly minimizes material, The melt-transfer system reportedly permits flow of plastic between mold faces but does not allow, As a result of the latter we see wetting, soiling and, It'll make less noise than a mouse in sneakers, Muscles of the throat and jaw may become paralyzed and cause. may cause severe irritation to the eyes, slurred speech, twitching. 18 13 And there are 'teddy' guys, you know, guys who drool over those short little outfits that leave nothing to the imagination. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience severe nausea, Contactez votre médecin immédiatement si vous ressentez des nausées, des vomissements, une vision trouble, des. : 2. The infant who is drooling often has chapped skin around the mouth, on the chest, or on the hands. drooling at the thought of some fresh food the next night. Example sentences with the word drooling.drooling example sentences. Unblinking, he stared into the fire, mouthing incoherent words, repeating the unfamiliar syllables through limp. Examples of drool in a sentence, how to use it. La constipation, la raideur musculaire, l'agitation, In addition, Dr. Sam Daniel opened two other Saliva Clinics, one based at the Montreal Children's Hospital, for children in need of medical intervention because their complex health conditions put them at risk of, aspirating their saliva; and one based at the Queen Elizabeth Health Centre for adults, Qui plus est, Dr Sam Daniel a ouvert deux autres cliniques de contrôle salivaire. peut causer une irritation grave des yeux. Increased drooling is common at this age but not necessarily associated with teething. It was a late model 4 x 4 with an extended cab, exactly like the one in Rogers that she had been drooling over the last three months. "Elle a ri." They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Feeding/swallowing - e.g., coughing or choking during or after, pocketing of food; gurgly sounding voice after eating or drinking; food or liquid in the nose; history of recurrent chest infections or pneumonia; unexplainable weight loss, toux ou réaction d'étouffement durant ou après. Drooling in a sentence 31. 1. Your mother, at a time long ago, most likely had the hobo bag you've been drooling over and saving your hard earned cash for. Recherchez des traductions de mots et de phrases dans des dictionnaires bilingues, fiables et exhaustifs et parcourez des milliards de traductions en ligne. drool vi intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." sweating, blurred vision, fainting, or seizure (convulsions), myasthenia gravis, shallow breathing, muscle weakness. de fortes nausées, des crampes d'estomac, la tension artérielle basse, le pouls lent ou irrégulier, des sueurs, des contractions musculaires, les maux d'yeux, la respiration faible, des vomissements. The 16-year old Canadian pop sensation has young girls drooling over his boyish good looks. She made a face, drooling at the thought of Damian's blood again. 4. Later, the child appears acutely ill with fever, upper airway compromise, stridor. The patient initially presented at age 13 months to the paediatric department at another hospital with fever, After seeing some of the sets, my tongue is hanging out and I am. There are problems with the child holding food or fluids in the affected side of the mouth, resulting in drooling or difficulty swallowing. Other side effects to watch for after administering Revolution are diarrhea or loose stool with or without blood, lack of appetite, fatigue and drooling caused by excessive salivation. In addition to the vomiting, the child may have a headache, low-grade fever, dizziness, pain in the abdomen, heavy drooling, and diarrhea. He's not violent, he's not drooling, he's not walking into town buck naked. Je me souviens du temps où nous avions faim, de cette époque où en ville, nous regardions avec envie dans les vitrines une nourriture à laquelle nous n'avions pas droit. into refusal to eat (especially if the food consists of a hard type of food) as the gingiva would be causing pain. The dog was drooling at the mouth and a lady with a small … fainting, muscle weakness, sever nausea, stomach. leur estime de soi, nous brisons leur isolement. Une respiration excessive provoque des troubles. 2. The child insists on sitting up or complains of a sore throat and is drooling. La vue des gâteaux sur la table m'a fait saliver. You've seen me naked and drooling and drugged up. You can expect lots of drooling, and your little one may be fussier than usual. The dog was drooling at the mouth. Requête la plus fréquente dans le dictionnaire français : The sight of the cakes on the table made me drool. Roz and I sat by the swimming pool, drooling over all the gorgeous young men. convulsions, la lassitude, la faiblesse musculaire. In their preschool years, children with A-T begin to stumble and fall, and drooling is frequent. Elle prolonge également la tenue du rouge à lèvres et empêche, The face of fellow players when I unpacked all my stu. The dog lay drooling on the mat. Whether you're drooling over a hottie at the mall or the pepperoni pizza you're having for dinner, share the moment with your friend. figurative (with desire) (figuré : de désir) baver⇒ vi verbe intransitif: verbe qui s'utilise sans complément d'objet direct (COD). The symptoms of epiglottitis include a sudden high fever, drooling, the feeling of an object stuck in the throat, and stridor (a high-pitched, noisy respiratory sound). Herpetic gingivostomatitis-A severe oral infection that affects children under five years of age; vesicles and ulcerations, edematous throat, enlarged painful cervical lymph nodes occur; chills, fever, malaise, bed breath, and drooling. The child exhibits drooling, jerking, and stiffening of the body. Call the doctor if he is spitting up, drooling, vomiting, or if he has chest or stomach pain. company that used to produce stale and sloppy land yachts. conjurewas always conjuring up scary stories of drooling, famished monsters. All Rights Reserved. She is not in any respiratory distress but a soft inspiratory stridor is audible and she is drooling saliva. 32. If the child has trouble swallowing or breathing, or is drooling excessively (in small children), emergency medical attention should be sought immediately. It's a wonder the drooling ward didn't break down while I was in hospital. about this, and his wife translated the story into French. A really derpy, ugly caveman, with a sloping forehead, a. Parmi les différents traitements offerts, l'injection de toxine Botulinum (Botox-r) dans les glandes salivaires est très prometteuse; elle s'est révélée être un outil thérapeutique efficace, réversible et peu invasif. 25 examples: The duplicate may breathe, drool, sleep, and perform various organic functions… Initially, the baby is constipated, followed by poor feeding, lethargy, weakness, drooling, and a distinctive wailing cry. 41+5 sentence examples: 1. So stop drooling over that expensive catalog and start planning your budget-friendly homeschool curriculum. In the afternoon, trying to research a story about Creationist schools, I find myself dropping asleep at my desk, Overhead them was a huge, monstrous and extremely ugly bird, And that makes me want to run around screaming and, My theory is that her obscurantism is a revenge for the, But how does someone deliver lines straight-faced while her co-star is. self esteem, break their social isolation, enable some. They were drooling ove Other side-effects can include constipation, muscle stiffness, restlessness. le titre «L'écume aux lèvres» et sa femme en a traduit les nouvelles en français. When the days start to grow longer in February, Americans are as hungry as a bunch of groundhogs, Connie pulled open the various boxes and tubs and pans of edibles and almost began, They are sleazy, doped-up debs unable to control their desire to be wantonly worked over by.
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