Much of the province of Posen, which, like West Prussia, had been acquired by Prussia in the late 18th-century partitions of Poland, was likewise granted to the restored Polish state.… Doch dafür gibt es Straßenbahn und S-Bahn. Woodward, E.L., Butler, Rohan, Orde, Anne, editors, Prazmowska, Anita "Poland" pages 155-164 from, Wandycz, Piotr "Poland and the Origins of the Second World War" pages 374-393 from, Eksterminacyjna i dyskryminacyjna działalność hitlerowskich sądów okręgu Gdańsk-Prusy Zachodnie w latach 1939-1945 "W wyrokach używano często określeń obraźliwych dla Polaków w rodzaju: „polscy podludzie" Edmund Zarzycki Wydawn. [134] Originally, it was planned to send the light cruiser Königsberg to Danzig for what was described as a "friendship visit", but it was decided at the last minute that a ship with more firepower was needed, leading to the Schleswig-Holstein with its 11-inch guns being substituted. Danzig became a centre of Polish and Russian Jewish emigration to North America. Die zauberhaften Gebäude wurden nach der fast vollständigen Zerstörung im Zweiten Weltkrieg im alten Stil wieder aufgebaut. Report a mistake! Poland was given certain rights pertaining to communication, the railways and port facilities in the city. osób. Anfang des 20. Coordinates: 54°21′N 18°40′E / 54.350°N 18.667°E / 54.350; 18.667. [133] Instead the British and French applied strong pressure on the Poles not to send in a military force to depose the Danzig government, and appoint a mediator to resolve the crisis. Danzig and other cities such as Elbing and Thorn financed most of the warfare and enjoyed a high level of city autonomy. Zapiski historyczne: Volume 60, page 256, Ludność polska w Wolnym Mieście Gdańsku, 1920–1939, page 37, Henryk Stępniak, Wydawnictwo "Stella Maris", 1991, "Przyjmując, że Polacy gdańscy stanowili 25 — 30% ogólnej liczby ludności katolickiej Wolnego Miasta Gdańska, liczącej w 1920 r. około 110 000 osób, można ustalić, że w liczbach bezwzględnych stanowiło można ustalić, że w liczbach bezwzględnych stanowiło to 30- – 36 tyś. Until the reorganization of the Catholic dioceses in Danzig and the formerly eastern territories of Germany the diocesan territory remained unaltered and the see exempt. Ob Artushaus, Goldenes Tor oder Grünes Tor, Frauengasse oder auch Bernsteingasse, Königliche Kapelle oder das Denkmal der Werftarbeiter: In Danzig kommt man von einem geschichtsträchtigen Gebäude oder Denkmal zum nächsten. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. Tweet Danzig had an early history of independence. By 1933, the commerce passing through Gdynia exceeded that of Danzig. Beck made it clear that he wanted no Polish-Soviet treaty to go along with the British-inspired "peace front" since an alliance with the Soviets would rule out any possibility of a settlement with Germany, which he still had hopes of reaching. [108], Until June 1933, the High Commissioner decided in 66 cases of dispute between Danzig and Poland; in 54 cases one of the parties appealed to the Permanent Court of International Justice. [122] On 5 May 1939, Beck in a speech broadcast on Polish radio stated that Poland wanted peace but that "peace...has its price, high but definable. Bei den Wahlen zum ersten Danziger Volkstag erringen die Deutschen die Mehrheit, sie stellen 95 Prozent der Bevölkerung nach einer Volkszählung aus dem Jahr 1923. Jahrhundert werden abgewehrt. von Pommern. [134], At about 4:48am on 1 September 1939, the Schleswig-Holstein opened fire on the Westerplatte, firing the first shots of World War II.[138]. The 36 Catholic parishes in the territory of the Free City in 1922 used to belong in equal shares to the Diocese of Culm, which was mostly Polish, and the Diocese of Ermland, which was mostly German. [31][need quotation to verify], Henryk Stępniak estimates the 1929 Polish population as around 22,000, or around 6% of the population, increasing to around 13% in the 1930s. Die Geschichte von Danzig reicht bis ins Jahre 997 zurück. Even though the Free City was formally annexed by Nazi Germany in October 1939, the police force more or less continued to operate as a law enforcement agency. Danzig also endured heavy British, American and Soviet air raids. [3] The Free City was under League of Nations protection and put into a binding customs union with Poland. n. [120] During the spring and summer of 1939 it was the aim of British foreign policy to built a "peace front" embracing Britain, France, the Soviet Union and a number of other European states such as Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey with the aim of "containing" Germany. [125] From distant New Zealand, the Prime Minister Michael Joseph Savage offered to return Western Samoa, which had once been the colony of German Samoa together with the rest of the former German islands in the Pacific held by New Zealand, in exchange for Germany promising not to use violence to alter the status of Danzig.[125]. Only the Jews of Tiegenhof ran their own congregation until 1938. It was a leading player in the Prussian Confederation directed against the Teutonic Monastic State of Prussia. [120] During his visit to London on 4–6 April 1939 Beck told Chamberlain that any effort to include the Soviet Union in the "peace front" would cause the very war it was supposed to prevent, and wanted to exclude the Soviet Union from the "peace front" for that reason. [117] Beck envisioned both Sweden and Finland joining the "Third Europe" block, and German plans to take back Danzig threatened to allow Germany a "choke-hold" on Poland's main link to the sea as the port facilities at Danzig were still better developed than those at Gdynia. A Communist Party was founded in 1921 with its origins in the Spartacus League and the Communist Party of East Prussia. The top attractions to visit in Gdansk are: What are the best outdoor activities in Gdansk? F.M Shepard, the British consul in Danzig, reported that the Danzig Nazis were bringing arms from Germany and building fortifications. [23] Its influence grew with the onset of difficult economic times and the increasing popularity of the Nazi Party in Germany proper. 1480 – 1630: Danzig ist die blühendste Hafenstadt unter den östlichen Ostseeanrainern und dabei unabhängig, Eroberungsversuche des Polenkönigs Stephan Batory im 16. [145] No formal treaty has ever altered the status of the Free City of Danzig, and its incorporation into Poland has rested upon the general acquiescence of the international community. Boleslaw the Brave of Poland] from the sea." 1945: Sowjetische und polnische Truppen erobern gemeinsam die Stadt zurück. Follow @polishpolandcom
The Free City's population rose from 357,000 (1919) to 408,000 in 1929; according to the official census, 95% were Germans,[30]:5, 11 with the rest mainly either Kashubians or Poles. Die Industriestadt hat einige Sehenswürdigkeiten wie die Südmole. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Dennoch erklärten die Nationalsozialisten in Danzig die Stadt zum Deutschen Gau. The police began making plans to seize Polish installations within the city, in the event of conflict. [17] As the British were opposed to Danzig becoming part of Poland and the French and the Americans to Danzig remaining part of Germany, Headlam-Morley's compromise of the Free City of Danzig was embraced. Dezember 1970: In der Danziger Werft beginnen Streiks und ein Aufstand gegen das kommunistische polnische Regime, das die Entwicklung bislang noch aufhalten kann. Point 14 of U.S. president Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points called for Polish independence to be restored and for Poland to have "secure access to the sea", a promise that implied that Danzig which occupied a strategic location where the Vistula river flowed into the Baltic sea, should become part of Poland. [89][90] The number of members of the Nazi Party in Danzig increased from 21,861 in June 1934 to 48,345 in September 1938. [14], The Free City of Danzig was largely the work of British diplomacy as both the French Premier Georges Clemenceau and U.S. President Woodrow Wilson supported the Polish claim to Danzig, and it was only objections from the British Prime Minister David Lloyd George that prevented Danzig from going to Poland. In 1945, the city officially became part of Poland in accordance with the Potsdam Agreement. As Poland's traditional outlet to the sea, Danzig seemed destined to become part of Poland. Rechnet man dem Ballungsraum auch noch die formal nicht zu Danzig gehörenden Ortschaften hinzu, die gefühlt zur Stadt gehören, leben hier rund 1,2 Millionen Menschen. Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: Anna Jeske Tel. In early 1941, he applied for admitting the Danzig diocese as member in Archbishop Adolf Bertram's Eastern German Ecclesiastical Province and thus at the Fulda Conference of Bishops; however, Bertram, also speaker of the Fulda conference, rejected the request. As German demands increased, German-Polish relations rapidly deteriorated. On 9 April 1920, a military style marching band, the Musikkorps, was formed. [92], The rights of the Second Polish Republic within the territory of the Free City were stipulated in the Treaty of Paris of 9 November 1920 and the Treaty of Warsaw of 24 October 1921. [102], Several disputes between Danzig and Poland occurred in the sequel. Danzig hat eine mehr als bewegte und aufregende Geschichte, mit vielen Auswirkungen auf das heutige Stadtbild, die Architektur und die Einstellung der Menschen. Many were sent to their deaths at Nazi concentration camps, including nearby Stutthof (now Sztutowo, Poland).[10]. Thanks to this data it is possible to reconstruct the pre-war geographical origin of the post-war population. [32] In contrast Stefan Samerski estimates about 10 percent of the 130,000 Catholics were Polish. Immer gedrängt in die Geschichte der beiden Länder Deutschland und Polen. With a Nazi majority in the Volkstag and Senate, anti-Semitic persecution and discrimination occurred unsanctioned by the authorities. The Nazis won 50 percent of votes in the Volkstag elections of 28 May 1933, and took control of the Senate in June 1933, with Hermann Rauschning becoming President of the Senate of Danzig. However, since Germans formed a clear majority of the population of the city was not placed under Polish sovereignty. Kurze Zeit die ‚Freie Stadt Danzig‘. Local SS and the police cooperated with the Germans with expelling Polish authorities from in and around the city. 1807-1813: Danzig wird Napoleonische Freie Stadtrepublik. Danzig's Regional Synodal Federation — just as the regional synodal federation of the autonomous Memelland — retained the status of an ecclesiastical province within EKapU.[65]. [144] Ohne lange Wege, alles liegt recht dicht beieinander. What are the top attractions to visit in Gdansk? The border had a length of 290.5 km, of which the coastline accounted for 66.35 km. Most Jews had already left the city, and the Jewish Community of Danzig decided to organize its own emigration in early 1939.
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