[3] On February 27, 1861, a general staff for the army was authorized, consisting of four positions: an adjutant general, a quartermaster general, a commissary general, and a surgeon general. Dupuy, p.346. Mortally wounded, July 14, 1863, Falling Waters, Maryland, commanding rear guard of Army of Northern Virginia in retreat from Gettysburg. Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, in Pickett's Charge, aged 45. Brigadier-General John Morgan – Killed at Greenville, Tenn Assistant adjutant general, James Island Forces, April 1861–July 20, 1861. The promotion was too late to be confirmed by the Confederate Congress however.

Gist – Killed at Franklin Supervised building defenses at Mobile, Chattanooga, Knoxville. Wounded at Gettysburg, New Market Heights. Killed at Jenkins' Ferry, April 30, 1864. 6th Arkansas Cavalry, colonel, July 11, 1862. Such a detrimental state of affairs would never be tolerated by either the civilian leadership or the military high command. 4th Virginia Cavalry: private, captain, April 26, 1861, major, September 17, 1861. Dropped as captain, U.S. Army, for abandoning post, May 7, 1861.

See incomplete appointments section in List of American Civil War Generals (Acting Confederate). Turning movement helped Confederates win at Second Bull Run. 18th Tennessee Infantry: captain, May 1861, colonel, June 1861. During his tenure at the head of the Army of Tennessee, Braxton Bragg made history by single-handedly setting military science and personnel management back to the Stone Age. Gave "Stonewall" Jackson his famous nickname at First Bull Run. Died at Staunton, Virginia, July 18, 1863, aged 29.

The Confederates began bickering among themselves at the first important battle of the war.

40th Virginia Infantry, lieutenant colonel, November 1861. The abbreviation PACS (Provisional Army of the Confederate States) indicates a grade in the temporary Confederate Army raised interim for the duration of hostilities. Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General, U.S. Army. Lt. colonel, January 31, 1862, colonel, March 3, 1863. 2nd Texas Infantry: colonel, September 2, 1861. Richard H. Anderson was appointed a "temporary" lieutenant general on May 31, 1864, and given command of the First Corps in the Army of Northern Virginia commanded by Gen. Lee (following the wounding of Lee's second-in-command, Lt. Gen. James Longstreet on May 6 in the Battle of the Wilderness.) U.S. Representative from Virginia, elected 1833. When it finally reached the president’s desk, it bore the signatures of John C. Brown, William Preston, Leonidas Polk and D.H. Hill, among others. Mistakenly mortally wounded by own men returning from night reconnaissance after first day of battle, May 2, 1863. Mexican–American War, 2nd lieutenant, age 17.

Resigned as captain, U.S. Army, January 28, 1861. Unhorsed and run over, Boonsboro, Maryland, September 15, 1862. Initial brigade command, September 14, 1862.

U.S. Representative from Georgia, March 4, 1857–withdrew January 23, 1861. 5th Kentucky Infantry Regiment, captain, April 1861. Command of Orphan Brigade after death of Ben Hardin Helm. Left with William H. Harrison family; died a few days later, probably September 4, 1864, aged 24. 15th Arkansas Infantry: private, May 1861, 2nd lieutenant, January 1862, colonel, April 11, 1862. Six years as associate justice of Georgia Supreme Court.

Forced to resign as 1st lieutenant, U.S. Army, October 22, 1847, for selling contraband goods. Hill was a confederate General best known for commanding the "Light Division." Brigadier-General John Gregg – Killed at Darbytown Road CSA Provisional Congress and Representative from Virginia, January 15, 1862–April 5, 1862. Commanded Indian brigade in Sterling Price's Missouri campaign, 1864. Dropped from C.S. Brigadier-General William E. Starke – Killed at Antietam

Confidential courier for Albert Sidney Johnston, January 1862– April 6, 1862. Brigadier general of Missouri State Guard, July 4, 1861– March 21, 1862. Constant squabbling among senior officers, accompanied by bitter recriminations and indiscriminate dismissals and transfers, ate away at the army’s heart and soul. Forrest and Roddey swam the Alabama River to escape after collapse of Confederate lines at Selma, Alabama. After John Brown's Harpers Ferry raid, organized militia in home county. Health broke, put in command of District of Western North Carolina. Severely wounded at Jonesboro, incapacitated for field duty. Incapacitated by wounds from Battle of Atlanta. Fled to Mexico and Cuba but returned November 14, 1865, to take amnesty oath. Surrendered after Union attack, August 1864. After taken prisoner, repeatedly struck with a sword by Colonel William Linn McMillen of 95th Ohio Infantry Regiment. Tennessee at start of war. Relieved after Gettysburg and assigned to South Carolina until evacuated at Sherman's approach. 11th Alabama Infantry, captain, May 1861. Older brother of North Carolina Governor and U.S. 25th Alabama Infantry, major, January 8, 1862, colonel, September 14, 1863.

Southern Historical Society Papers. 20th North Carolina Infantry Private, May 20, 1861, 1st lieutenant, June 17, 1861, captain, July 19, 1861. State's attorney, chairman of Maryland Democratic Party committee. 2nd Arkansas Infantry: lieutenant colonel, June 5, 1861, colonel, January 28, 1862. Died October 12, 1870, Lexington, Virginia, aged 63. Brigadier-General William Y. 60th Virginia Infantry, colonel, October 12, 1861. Resigned from Provisional Confederate Congress to join army as aide to Beauregard and Jefferson Davis, April 1861. After Cold Harbor II, led Law's former brigade until surrender at Appomattox Court House.

Baylor stated the unarmed Wharton slapped him and called him a liar. Mexican–American War: captured, exchanged. Dropped as captain, U.S. Army as AWOL, October 4, 1861. Reappointed to U.S. Army in 1849, served on Texas frontier and in Utah War. 21st Arkansas Infantry, lieutenant colonel, December 3, 1861, colonel, January 1862. Brigadier general, North Carolina Militia, May 27, 1861. Lt. colonel of South Carolina forces in 1860.

Stevens – Killed at Peach Tree Creek 16th Georgia Infantry: colonel, July 15, 1861.

CSA Provisional Congressman, May 15, 1861–February 17, 1862.

4th Virginia Cavalry: captain, April 1861, lieutenant colonel, September 1861, colonel, August 1862. Lt. colonel, July 3, 1862, colonel, March 14, 1863. Warner lists as general; Eicher does not. Deas, brigadier general Died near Warrenton, Virginia, May 18, 1887, aged 89. Captain of Artillery, Army of the Northwest, June 1861. Resigned as lieutenant colonel, U.S. Army, June 10, 1861. No brevet appointments were made in the Confederate States Army but twenty acting or temporary general officers were authorized by and appointed under Confederate States law. Only Lafayette McLaws defended Bragg, but his voice was drowned out in the chorus of naysayers. 8th Virginia Cavalry: captain, May 15, 1861, lieutenant colonel, September 24, 1861. Commander of Confederate Army of the West. Despite lack of Senate confirmation often identified as last Confederate general to die of wounds from battle. With Army of Northern Virginia until November 1864. The Strategic Challenge for the Confederacy, List of Campaigns, Operations, and Raids in Chronologies, General Officers in the American Civil War: Overview, General Officers in the Union Army in Order of Seniority, About General Officers in the Confederate Army, General Officers in the Confederate Army in Order of Seniority, Grades and promotions, including brevet grades, in the US, Union, and Confederate service; and attendance at USMA, Territorial commands from Sub-District to Military Division and equivalents. Wounded at Gettysburg, Brandy Station and in North Carolina, 1864.

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